BoG: Shadowrun?

The Rosenrot, a similar stealth attack ship

I have finally seen what Taza keeps referring to as a Shadowrun. While the term is new, the actions are not. I have watched many movies and read several books on the similar type of illegal jobs.

The difference is how easily Taza and the group, including Sparks handled the situation and how smooth it went.

When you watch popular fiction there is always something that goes wrong at the last minute. This unfortunately seems to pan out for most people in real life as well, although not to the extent of a movie. However, not a single thing went out of place or were an issue for Taza, Cypher and Sparks.

We awaited the Librarian who arrived and was in charge of a ship reminiscent of stealth attack ships from the war. They even had a grumbly older female captain who disliked the librarian greatly, the reason for that was the librarian’s wanton use of her ship. This included evidently showing off the psyker torpedoes… which by the way are outlawed by every other civilized society but the Imperium.

They impersonated being Lavinia’s assistants, although is that really impersonation since they were working with Lavinia? They snuck on board and Taza did her thing with boys and seduced the librarian. Knocking him out she found that the “key” he used was actually cybernetic implants in two fingers on his left hand… which she promptly took. I do believe she healed the fingers but that is irrelevant.

They then walked back off the ship with the key on their person and success now firmly achieved.

Only thing that came up… I think Taza wants to take that stealth attack ship, she was in love with it. I suspect we are doing another mission here soon. I will keep up to date on that when it happens.

Until the stone returns to dust.


About AGirlUShouldKnow

A middle-aged transgender gamer woman who grew up so poor it was only po. Who works in a white-collar job, graduating late in life. The most important part is I am married 30+ years to a wonderful husband and I have a pretty cool one-eyed cat named Tally the Pirate Queen (or Bitchy Princess depending on her day).
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